Sunday, January 29, 2017

Tracking the explosion of hate in Trump’s America

Tracking the explosion of hate in Trump’s America

Saturday, January 28, 2017

When a symbol becomes more sacred than the thing it symbolizes

A Jehovah's Witness balances surgery with beliefs — NewsWorks

Jehovah's Witnesses believe blood is the symbol of life, and as such, it is not up to us to decide how it is used. But surely life is more important than its symbol!

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Cult bans emojis

Friendly or Flirtatious? | Worksheets for Teenagers

Sunday, January 15, 2017

National Resist Day

This blog exists to counter dogmatic extremism that violates basic human rights, separation of Church and State, and freethought.

As part of National Resist Day, this blog will not have any new posts from now until after the United States inauguration later this week.

As a simple act of defiance, we remove our attention from the bullies who crave it.

Here are some things you can do as well.

Father Who Let His Child Die of Meningitis is Once Again Promoting Harmful Alternative Medicine

Father Who Let His Child Die of Meningitis is Once Again Promoting Harmful Alternative Medicine