Saturday, February 26, 2011

Don't you DARE to get up!! (1), Jehovah's Witnesses / Personal Experiences & Reunions - Jehovah's Witness Discussion Forum

Quotes from a recent Watchtower publication

"Do I encourage my children not to view the song between the Theocratic Ministry School and the Service Meeting or the one between the public talk and the
Watchtower Study as a sort of intermission, an opportunity for them to leave their seats unnecessarily, perhaps just to stretch their legs?"

"Many of the lyrics of our songs are tied to passages of Scripture, so learning the words of at least some of the songs can be an excellent way to sound down the truth into our hearts."

"If you were thrown into prison, how many of our Kingdom songs would you be able to sing from memory?"

What do you think? Is allowing children to stretch after the first 45 minutes of church a bad thing, when the meeting is 2 hours long?

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